Research project

Media as the Missing Link? A comparative study of news influence on party support.

Project overview

‘Media as a Missing Link?’ is a project funded by the University of Stavanger (led by Gunnar Thesen, University of Stavanger) in partnership with co-investigators in four other countries (Will Jennings, University of Southampton; Christoffer Green-Pedersen and Peter Bjerre Mortensen, Aarhus University; Rens Vliegenthart, University of Amsterdam; Stefaan Walgrave, University of Antwerp). The project explores how news media influences party popularity – in Belgium, Denmark, the Netherlands, Norway and the UK. It collected a corpus over 9 million news articles in five countries, using topic modelling and dictionary-based methods to generated a major dataset of political news and political actors over a twenty year period.


Lead researchers

Professor Will Jennings

Associate Dean Research & Enterprise
Research interests
  • Public policy
  • Public opinion
  • Polling
Connect with Will

Research outputs