Research project

Promoting Attainment of Responsible Research and Innovation in Science Education (PARRISE) Empowering and facilitating science teachers and teacher educators across Europe

Project overview

This research project focused on democratic citizenship education, in which two educational approaches, often presented independently in schools, were integrated, viz. Inquiry‐Based Science Education (IBSE) and Socio‐Scientific Issues‐Based Learning (SSI).

We call this integrated approach Socio‐Scientific Inquiry‐Based Learning (SSIBL). The aim of the project was to collect and share existing best practices across Europe and develop learning tools, materials and in/pre‐service training courses for science teachers based on the SSIBL approach. This educational methodology promotes democratic citizenship through the integration of social issues and related scientific knowledge.

The project aimed to empower and facilitate science teachers and teacher educators, by in‐service and pre‐service professional development courses, based on reshaped best practices available among the partners. The project established a multidisciplinary team and facilitated networking activities among teachers, teacher educators and educational researchers of 18 institutions in 11 countries.


Lead researchers

Emeritus Professor Marcus Grace

Research interests
  • The science and values underpinning education for biodiversity, sustainable development and citizenship
  • Adolescent decision-making, and teaching and learning about socio-scientific issues
  • Outdoor science education
Connect with Marcus

Research outputs