Research project

Southampton ECMC 2016


Lead researchers

Professor Tony Williams

Professor of Translational Medicine
Connect with Tony

Research outputs

Bernadett Szabados, Mark Kockx, Zoe June Assaf, Pieter-Jan van Dam, Alejo Rodriguez-Vida, Ignacio Duran, Simon J Crabb, Michiel S Van Der Heijden, Albert Font Pous, Gwenaelle Gravis, Urbano Anido Herranz, Andrew Protheroe, Alain Ravaud, Denis Maillet, Maria Jose Mendez, Cristina Suarez, Mark Linch, Aaron Prendergast, Charlotte Tyson, Diana Stanoeva, Sofie Daelemans, Miche Rombouts, Sanjeev Mariathasan, Joy S Tea, Kelly Mousa, Shruti Sharma, Alexey Aleshin, Romain Banchereau, Daniel Castellano & Thomas Powles, 2022, European Urology, 82(2), 212-222
Type: article
Jiaxin Chen, Yuangui Cai, Yicong Chen, Anthony P. Williams, Yifang Gao & Jinsheng Zeng, 2021, Vaccines, 9(8)
Type: review