Research project

PANORAMIC - Platform Adaptive trial of NOvel antivRals for eArly treatMent of COVID-19 In the Community

Project overview

Despite high uptake of vaccination against COVID-19, the disease remains prevalent in the UK and in many countries around the world, with many patients continuing to experience considerable morbidity and require treatment in hospital. There is therefore an urgent need to identify treatments for COVID-19 for use in the community early on in the illness that speeds recovery and prevents the need for hospital admission.

The risk of complications from COVID-19 is increased in people with underlying health conditions, unvaccinated people, and those in whom the vaccine is less effective. In these people, COVID-19 can sometimes lead to significant medical problems, hospitalisation, and death.

Most people with COVID-19 are treated in the community and so we need to find treatments that are suitable for use in the community.

COVID-19 can cause great suffering, and it stops people from performing their daily activities, affecting their work, education, and caring responsibilities. The purpose of this clinical trial is to find new treatments that help those suffering with COVID-19 at home and in the community get better quicker and without needing to be treated in hospital. To be able to do this, we aim to test individual possible treatments as soon as they become available.

We are testing new antiviral treatments which might have beneficial effects for the treatment of COVID-19, but which may not yet have a license for use in the UK. All of the treatments in the PANORAMIC trial have been approved by the UK Medicines and Health Care Products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) for use in the study. The MHRA regulates the use of all medicines in the UK.

This study is being conducted by the Primary Care Research Centre.


Lead researchers

Professor Paul Little

Professor in Primary Care Research
Connect with Paul

Other researchers

Dr Mark Lown

Associate Professor
Connect with Mark

Collaborating research institutes, centres and groups

Research outputs

Christopher C Butler, F D Richard Hobbs, Oghenekome A Gbinigie, Najib M Rahman, Gail Hayward, Duncan B Richards, Jienchi Dorward, David M Lowe, Joseph F Standing, Judith Breuer, Saye Khoo, Stavros Petrou, Kerenza Hood, Jonathan S Nguyen-Van-Tam, Mahendra G Patel, Benjamin R Saville, Joe Marion, Emma Ogburn, Julie Allen, Heather Rutter, Nick Francis, Nicholas P B Thomas, Philip Evans, Melissa Dobson, Tracie-Ann Madden, Jane Holmes, Victoria Harris, May Ee Png, Mark Lown, Oliver van Hecke, Michelle A Detry, Christina T Saunders, Mark Fitzgerald, Nicholas S Berry, Lazaro Mwandigha, Ushma Galal, Sam Mort, Bhautesh D Jani, Nigel D Hart, Haroon Ahmed, Daniel Butler, Micheal McKenna, Jem Chalk, Layla Lavallee, Elizabeth Hadley, Lucy Cureton, Magdalena Benysek, Monique Andersson, Maria Coates & Paul Little, 2023, The Lancet, 401(10373), 281-293
Type: article