Staff Other researchers Emeritus Professor Richard Oreffo DPhil DSc (Oxon) FMedSci FHEA FRSB FIOR Research interests Skeletal Regenerative MedicineSkeletal Stem Cells Connect with Richard Email: [email protected] CK Professor Charles Keevil Professor In Environmental Health Care Connect with Charles Email: [email protected] Professor Peter Birkin Professor Research interests My work has centred on the phenomena of cavitation; this is both a fascinating and experimentally challenging arena but ultimately this work has led to a number of exploitable technologies. Connect with Peter Email: [email protected] Collaborating research institutes, centres and groups Electrochemistry A well-established world-class group researching energy charge transfer that affects many facets of life. Acoustics Group Our group’s research topics range from the protection of marine mammals to the medical use of ultrasonics and the environmental effects of aircraft noise. Microbiology We work on topics like patient treatment regimens, catheter design and management, and surgical instrument decontamination. Research outputs