Schedule 1 Membership Services

  • Student membership: applies to students registered at the University of Southampton
  • Staff membership: applies to University of Southampton staff
  • External membership: applies to alumni, community and the public
  • Personal training membership: applies to UoS students, staff, alumni, community and the public. We reserve the right to ringfence this to specific group
  • Sports pass: applies to anyone who wishes to purchase it

Guest passes

  • Guest passes are available with the purchase of an Annual Membership   
  • The Annual Membership guest pass consists of 12 usages
  • Guest passes may be used at any of Southampton Sport’s facilities during opening times. Southampton Sport reserve the right to adapt this 
  • Remaining guest pass will expire when the Annual Membership ends. Guest passes may not be extended  
  • One guest will be permitted with the Member at any time. 
  • The Member and their guest must be doing the same activity at the same time
  • The Member must be present in the Southampton Sport facilities with their guest. The guest cannot continue using the facilities if the member leaves
  • The guest must register with Southampton Sport and fill out the relevant disclaimer forms before being admitted into the facilities

Joining fees 

Southampton Sport memberships will include a Joining Fee.  All rolling monthly memberships will incur the fee on signing up to a membership. This Joining Fee is non-refundable, unless the membership is cancelled within the 14-day cooling off period and the Southampton Sport facilities have not been used. 

The Joining Fee will be charged on joining, if the Member cancels their membership and chooses to later join again the Member will be subject to the relevant joining fee. Southampton Sport Management Team reserve the right to adapt the joining fee at any time during the membership. 

Membership cancellations

If the Member decides to cancel their Annual membership after the 14-day cooling off period, the Member will not be eligible for a refund. 
Monthly memberships can be cancelled in writing and by using the cancellation form at any point after 1 full calendar month of membership. No refund will be issued for the month that the cancellation is made in. For example, a membership taken on 2nd of the month can only be cancelled on or after the 2nd  of the following month.  

Members on a monthly rolling membership must contact Southampton Sport in writing to confirm cancellation at least 7 days before the membership payment date (see definitions) to avoid payment being taken for the following month. If notice is given at any point within 7 days of the payment date, a final Recurring Card payment will be taken.  

All monthly memberships are rolling contracts. The minimum term for these memberships is 1 full month. Membership fees must be paid even if the Member does not use the Southampton Sport facilities. The membership will continue after this period until it is cancelled by the Member in writing. 
Under Southampton Sport policy it is not possible to cancel a membership and/ or request a refund of fees, during the membership period unless clauses 8.1 or 8.4 above apply.  

Southampton Sport reserve the right to allow for discretion in cancelling membership if an applicant is unable to take part in sporting activities on medical grounds or is a member of University staff leaving their post, or a student leaving the University before completion of studies. Written confirmation from the appropriate officer will be required, such as a medical certificate or Faculty letter, along with a £10 administration fee will be applied to all refunds granted.

Membership renewals and changes 

The price of the membership renewal is the price for when the membership starts and not for when the membership is paid for. 

The Member may change their monthly membership, as long as Southampton Sport receive the Member’s request in writing at least 7 days before the next scheduled membership payment date.  

Membership suspension

The Member may temporarily suspend their membership for between one up to a maximum of 12 months on medical grounds, however, please note that in such instance(s) Southampton Sport will require the Member to produce proof which is satisfactory to Southampton Sport of any of the reasons that the Member is relying on to suspend their membership.  

In the event that Membership Services are suspended for a period of over 28 calendar days by Southampton Sport as set out in clause 5.5 and in accordance with clause 8.4 the Member may temporarily suspend their membership.   

If the Member wants to suspend their membership, the Member can do so in writing to Southampton Sport and by confirming how long the Member wish for this to last.  If this is due to Membership Services being suspended by Southampton Sport, then Southampton Sport will use their best reasonable endeavours to provide regular updates to the Member on Membership Services which will be available on the Southampton Sport Website. 

As long as Southampton Sport receive the Member’s request to temporarily suspend at least 7 calendar days before the payment date, the Member can apply this from the following month.  Southampton Sport will automatically start the Member’s membership again, and take payment, on the date the Member’s membership resumes. 

Southampton Sport will not charge the Member any Membership Fees while the Member’s membership is suspended. If Southampton Sport increase the Membership Services prices during the period when the Member’s membership is suspended, the Member will have to pay any new prices that apply to the Member’s membership type when the Member’s membership resumes. 

University Staff and Students: In some cases, there may be grounds to suspend membership where University business or course entitlement requires the Member to leave the city of Southampton. If this is the case the start date of the placement and or duration of absence from Southampton should be provided to Southampton Sport in the form of a letter from the relevant University school and or professional service. Southampton Sport will honour the suspension from the start date through to the return of the member. Southampton Sport may also suspend the Member’s membership as set out in the Terms.