Law library collections

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About the Law library collections

Improve your knowledge of the law by exploring our legal texts and resources.

Physical texts and online databases

In the University’s main library, search our extensive range of physical texts. You'll find more primary legal sources such as case law and legislation by searching our online databases, including:

  • Westlaw
  • Lexis®Library
  • i-law

You’ll also have access to these online directories:

  • Oxford Law Trove containing some of the law textbooks in your reading lists
  • Oxford Scholarship Online with over 16,000 academic works
  • Cambridge Core Journals comprising more than 380 law journals

Our dedicated law librarian will help you with research queries and sourcing materials. They can also show you how to use these resources.

The Philippa Kaye maritime law collection

Our award-winning maritime library covers all aspects of maritime law and is mainly used by postgraduate students, visiting scholars and maritime experts. It’s located in building 4, home of the Southampton Law School and includes:

  • a collection of protection and indemnity materials
  • bills of lading and charterparties archives
  • 40 journal titles on subscription