Courses / Modules / LAWS3168X Duplicate of International Human Rights Law

Duplicate of International Human Rights Law

When you'll study it
Semester 2
CATS points
ECTS points
Level 6
Module lead
Mark Telford
Academic year

Module overview

Following the atrocities of World War II, states internationally agreed to safeguard the inherent dignity of every human being by protecting inalienable rights to which all members of the human family were equally entitled. Those rights, recognised as ‘human rights’, are still relevant today as they remain heavily violated worldwide and require protection.

Various mechanisms have been established at the international and regional levels to monitor human rights’ implementation. Furthermore, various actors have come into play. Human rights law is not limited to interactions between states and international organisations anymore; it also involves the civil society and must face challenges raised by non-state actors. These interactions, embedded in issues of poverty, terrorism and democracy, have created a rich and fascinating corpus of law: this is what the module International Human Rights Law will explore.

This module is designed for you to understand the pillars of human rights law; to identify its key institutions and instruments; and to acquire a transferrable set of research skills. The precise content of the module will be influenced by staff’s on-going research in relevant areas and by topical developments in this field.