Courses / Modules / LAWS3169X Duplicate of Intellectual Property Law

Duplicate of Intellectual Property Law

When you'll study it
Semester 2
CATS points
ECTS points
Level 6
Module lead
Mark Telford
Academic year

Module overview

This module will allow you to explore some key areas of intellectual property law, such as trademarks, copyright and patents. Emphasis is placed on the process of European Union (EU) harmonisation of intellectual property rights, and its implications for UK law, also in relation to Brexit.

Some of the questions addressed in this course include: What is an ‘invention’ and is it industrially application? Who can be considered an author? What does ‘originality’ mean in a copyright context? Do you need permission from the copyright holder to provide links to his/her content over the internet? Can you resell your videogames, ebooks and iTunes music tracks? What form of IP protection is available to those businesses that use signs and symbols in the course of trade? What is a trade mark, and what are its functions? What is character and personality merchandising, and how can you have someone endorse your products?

This module allows and encourages you to undertake a critical analysis of the state of the law in the field of trademarks, copyright and patents, as well as international influences and the impact of harmonisation at the EU level.

Whilst seminar materials are provided, significant emphasis is placed on self-learning, enabling the seminars to concentrate on specific topics and issues.