Courses / Modules / MANG3106 Analytical Accounting Case Studies

Analytical Accounting Case Studies

When you'll study it
Whole Academic Year
CATS points
ECTS points
Level 6
Module lead
Academic year

Module overview

As an alternative to a dissertation this module provides an opportunity to undertake a sustained piece of individual and group study on a rich and advanced business case study. Inter alia this provides a context within which research skills may be developed and demonstrated.

Each year a suitably adapted case study will licensed from the ICAEW. The Case Study is the ICAEW’s capstone assessment which completes their Advanced Stage Level 7 Examinations, more information is provided below:

The Case Study tests all the knowledge, skills and experience gained so far. It presents a complex

business issue which challenges students’ ability to problem solve, identify the ethical implications

and provide an effective solution.