Professor Patrick James

Professor Patrick James

Professor of Energy and Buildings

Research interests

  • His work looks at energy across scales from the dwelling, to the neighbourhood, city or region. Patrick undertakes studies in the UK, China, sub-Saharan Africa and the Middle East.

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Connect with Patrick


He is the Director of Programmes for postgraduate taught energy, overseeing the (i) MSc Energy and Sustainability, and (ii) MSc Sustainable Energy Technologies programmes. He is an Associate Editor of the IET Renewable Power Generation Journal and an energy based research assessor for several national funding agencies. He is the external examiner at Heriot-Watt University for their MSc Energy programme.

He specialises in energy in the built environment, where he teaches modules related to (i) energy performance assessment, (ii) climate change and settlements, (iii) energy resources and (iv) bioclimatic design.