Research project

Supermassive black hole growth - a small-scale solution to a large-scale problem


Lead researchers

Professor Matthew Middleton

Connect with Matthew

Research outputs

D.J. Walton, F. Fürst, M. Heida, F.A. Harrison, D. Barret, D. Stern, M. Bachetti, M. Brightman, A.C. Fabian & M.J. Middleton, 2018, Astrophysical Journal, 856(2)
Type: article
Vitor Cardoso, Gavin S. Hartnett, Matthew Middleton, Paolo Pani, Jorge E. Santos & Oscar Campos Dias, 2018, Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, 2018(03), 043-043
Type: article
M.J. Middleton, P.C. Fragile, M. Bachetti, M. Brightman, Y-F Jiang, W.C.G. Ho, T.P. Roberts, A.R. Ingram, T. Dauser, C. Pinto, D.J. Walton, F. Fuerst, A.C. Fabian & N. Gehrels, 2018, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 475(1), 154-166
Type: article
D.J. Walton, F. Fürst, F.A. Harrison, D. Stern, M. Bachetti, D. Barret, M. Brightman, A.C. Fabian, M.J. Middleton, A. Ptak & L. Tao, 2018, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 473(4), 4360-4376
Type: article
Matthew Middleton & Andrew King, 2017, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 470(1), l69-l71
Type: letterEditorial