Emeritus Professor Andrew Goddard

Research interests

  • Public sector accounting and auditing, including local, central government and health services.
  • Accounting in NGOs
  • Accounting in developing economies

More research

Connect with Andrew

Email: [email protected]

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He has held most of the senior positions in the Business School including Head of Accounting, PGR Director, Chair of Postgraduate Education and several years as Deputy Head of School. He was responsible for establishing the Centre for Research in Accounting, Accountability and Governance (CRAAG) at Southampton, and was also its first Director.

He has established an international reputation for academic excellence in accounting and is one of the leading national and international researchers in public sector accounting.  This has been achieved by successful publication in leading journals (including several prizes and commendations); an excellent record of establishing, developing and winning external funding (over £500,000, an unusually large amount for academic accountants in the UK); membership of several important, national and international, academic policy making and advisory bodies; leadership of significant research teams; membership of leading accounting journal editorial Boards and a proven track record of successful PhD supervision.

He was the initiator of a UK research group in Public Service Accounting and was Chair for several years. He also sat on the Executive Committee of British Accounting Association, the leading academic accounting body in the UK. He was a member of the ESRC’s Management, Psychology, Languages and Education College which advised the ESRC on future funding initiatives and proposals (one of only two Professors of Accounting in the UK serving on this body). He was also a member of the Audit Committee of the ESRC and was an ESRC Research Grant and PhD Scholarship Examiner. He was appointed Assessor for the Government of Ireland Senior Research Scholarship Scheme and was a member of the UK Government Department for Communities and Local Government's Advisory Board for the evaluation of Local Area Agreements (LAAs) and Local Strategic Partnerships (LSPs).

For many years he was an Editorial Board member for the Accounting, Auditing and Accountability Journal and the Journal of Contemporary Accounting & Organizational Change. He was also an active reviewer for several leading international academic journals including, Accounting, Auditing and Accountability, British Accounting Review, Management Accounting Research, Financial Accountability and Management and Public Money and Management. He undertook visiting appointments at the University of New South Wales, University of Woolongong and the University of Western Ontario and presented papers/chaired sessions at many major international accounting conferences.