Emeritus Professor Michael Poppleton

Emeritus Professor Michael Poppleton

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45 publications
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Richard Banach, Michael Poppleton, Czeslaw Jeske, Susan Stepney & J. Bergstra, 2007, Science of Computer Programming, 67, 301-329
Type: article
Letu Yang, Michael Poppleton, Jacques Juilland & Olga Kouchnarenko, 2007
Type: conference
R Razali, C Snook, M Poppleton & P Garratt, 2007
Type: report
R Razali, C. F. Snook, M. R. Poppleton, P. W. Garratt, R. J. Walters, B Kitchenham, P Brereton & M Turner, 2007
Type: conference
Letu Yang, Michael Poppleton, A.A. McEwan, S. Schneider, W. Ifill & P.H. Welch, 2007
Type: conference
Richard Banach, Czeslaw Jeske, Michael Poppleton, Susan Stepney, A Skowron, W Bartol, L Polkowski & H Rasiowa, 2007, Fundamenta Informaticae, 77(1-2), 29-69
Type: article
Michael Poppleton, Peter Sawyer, Barbara Paech & Patrick Heymans, 2007
Type: conference
Michael Poppleton & Lindsay Groves, 2006
Type: bookChapter
Richard Banach, Michael Poppleton, Czeslaw Jeske, Susan Stepney, John Fitzgerald, Ian Hayes & Andrzej Tarlecki, 2005
Type: conference
Colin Snook, Michael Poppleton, Ian Johnson, Erik Kamsties, Vincenzo Gervasi & Pete Sawyer, 2005
Type: conference