Professor Christopher Edwards

Professor Christopher Edwards

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108 publications
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Catherine J. Bowen, Lindsey Hooper, Christopher J. Edwards & Nigel K. Arden, 2013, Imaging in Medicine, 5(4), 347-356
Type: article
F. Sivera, M. Andrés, L. Carmona, A.S. Kydd, J. Moi, R Seth, M. Sriranganathan, C. van Durme, I. van Echteld, O. Vinik, M.D. Wechalekar, D. Aletaha, C. Bombardier, R. Buchbinder, C.J. Edwards, R.B. Landewé, J.W. Bijlsma, J.C. Branco, R. Burgos-Vargas, A.I. Catrina, D. Elewaut, A.J. Ferrari, P. Kiely, B.F. Leeb, C. Montecucco, U. Müller-Ladner, M. Ostergaard, J. Zochling, L. Falzon & D.M. van der Heijde, 2013, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases
Type: article
A.N. Colebatch, C.J. Edwards, M. Ostergaard, D. van der Heijde, P.V. Balint, M.A. D'Agostino, K. Forslind, W. Grassi, E.A. Haavardsholm, G. Haugeberg, A.G. Jurik, R.B. Landewé, E. Naredo, P.J. O'Connor, B. Ostendorf, K. Potocki, W.A. Schmidt, J.S. Smolen, S. Sokolovic, I. Watt & P.G. Conaghan, 2013, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases
Type: article
E. James, E. Reeves, A.N. Colebatch, T. Elliott & C.J. Edwards, 2013, Journal of Immunology, 190(111.6)
Type: article
Emma L. Williams, Christopher J. Edwards, Cyrus Cooper & Richard O.C. Oreffo, 2012, Regenerative Medicine, 7(4), 551-570
Type: article
E.L. Williams, C.J. Edwards, C. Cooper & R.O.C. Oreffo, 2012, Journal of Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine
Type: article