Doctor Hayward Godwin

Dr Hayward Godwin

Associate Professor

Research interests

  • I have a number of research interests, and they are as follows:
  • - How we search for target(s) in the environment, particularly using visual searches.
  • - Eye movement behaviour, focusing on search tasks

More research

Connect with Hayward


I've been studying and then working at the University for some time. I live in Bournemouth with my wife, who works as a clinical psychologist, and our daughter, as well as our pet cat. 

I'm currently the Director of Enterprise in Psychology, as well as the Director of the Research Methods in Psychology MSc course. I teach on several modules, including first-year undergraduate research methods, and several MSc-level modules. I'm very interested in open and transparent research, and am a member of the University UKRN steering panel. I've served as an Associate Editor and Consulting Editor for the journal Attention, Perception and Psychophysics, and am currently a Consulting Editor for the journal Behavior Research Methods.