Doctor Aude Campmas

Dr Aude Campmas

Lecturer in French Studies

Research interests

  • Representations of childfree women
  • Trauma and discrimination
  • Trauma and memory

More research

Accepting applications from PhD students.

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Research groups

Research interests

  • Representations of childfree women
  • Trauma and discrimination
  • Trauma and memory

Current research

I am currently completing a monograph on Fleurs monstrueuses: histoire d'une métamorphose, Littérature, femmes et botanique. This analyses the links between visual and textual representations of flowers, and the monstrous representation of childfree women during the late nineteenth century.

I am also working on a project entitled 'Building relationships: priorities, needs and barriers for minoritised communities in accessing support for domestic abuse'. The aim of the project is to explore the experiences, priorities and needs of minoritised groups and the barriers in accessing local domestic abuse services to support clients who have experienced domestic abuse.  The particular focus of this work includes working with minoritised communities, who might access support and counselling in Portsmouth and South East Hampshire. This project is funded by The Centre for the South. 

Research projects