Nurul is an Associate Professor in Accounting at Southampton Business School. Nurul is a senior personal tutor for postgraduate program in Accounting, and a member of the Ethics Committee of Southampton Business School. Nurul is an ad hoc reviewer for journals such as British Accounting Review, Accounting Auditing and Accountability Journal, Human Relations, Critical Perspectives on Accounting. Nurul is also Guest Editor for Third Sector Review (B in ABDC ranking) on Microfinance.
Research groups
Research interests
- Ethics and Religion in Organization
- Audit
- Islamic Accounting and Finance
- Hybrid Organizations
- Complexity and Paradoxes in Organizations
Current research
Nurul is currently working on research in emotion in government audit work. Nurul is also researching the role of philanthropic organisations during Covid-19 and how they engage in hybrid operations to create social impact.
Nurul is also working on projects around professional academics in a transnational context, the complex social housing context in the UK, and the struggles women CEOs face in leading multinational corporations.
Research projects
Completed projects
Nurul is currently teaching business research on the undergraduate programmes at Southampton Business School. Prior to this, she taught the Foundation of Research in Accounting and Finance for the Master's programmes in Accounting and Finanace, and the Foundation of Accounting and Control for the first year non-Accounting students.
In the past, Nurul taught almost all modules in Financial Accounting, Risk Management, and Research Design and Practice on the doctoral programmes.
Prior to joining Southampton Business School, Nunung was working as a lecturer at Aston Business School. She was funded by Islamic Research and Training Institute - Islamic Development Bank (IRTI-IDB) for her doctoral degree at Aston Business School. Prior to that, she spent 10 years at University of Al Azhar Indonesia and was a lecturer and the head of Accounting Department. Nunung has also been involved in curriculum development in Islamic Finance, Islamic Accounting and IFRS based Accounting curriculum for Postgraduate Islamic Finance Program (approved by The Scottish Qualification Authority), Al Maktoum Institute Dundee, and University of Al Azhar Indonesia.
- Best Researcher 2018 - Aston Business School (2018)
- Journal Business Ethics Best Paper Award - Apira Melbourne 2016 (2016)
- The British Accounting Review - Paper with the Highest Social Media Attention 2021 (2022)
- Best Researcher 2018 - Aston Business School (2018)
- Journal Business Ethics Best Paper Award - Apira Melbourne 2016 (2016)
- The British Accounting Review - Paper with the Highest Social Media Attention 2021 (2022)