I am a Lecturer at the School of Electronics and Computer Science at the University of Southampton. I have a PhD in Computer Science from Aalborg University, and I am a recipient of the UKRI Trustworthy Autonomous Systems Hub (TAS Hub) Early Career Researcher Award for my engagement and outreach activities.
My research focuses on autonomous and AI-infused systems, and how we can ensure that they are trustworthy and responsible, both in their design and development, as well as in their interaction with humans and other agents. I collaborate with various stakeholders from different disciplines, such as art, law, and medicine, to explore the impact and potential of autonomous systems in diverse contexts. I use qualitative and quantitative methods to study human-computer and robot interaction, interpersonal relationships, and ethical and social implications of introducing robots and AI into our lives.
Most recently, I have been exploring the impact of Generative AI, such as text-to-image models or large language models, on the general public. In particular, I am investigating their influence on the legal domain for non-legal experts or how they affect values associated with artistic creations.
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