Research area

Mathematical sciences

A person with their back to us works out a maths equation on a chalkboard

From developing next generation batteries to informing pension planning, our research helps address scientific, engineering and social challenges. Our academics are leaders in the areas of pure and applied maths, theoretical physics, operational research and statistics.

Research highlights

Disorder is Good – Taming disorder in self-assembled materials with topology

Instead of fighting disorder, we should identify structures that are ordered enough to perform the required function.
We have combined cutting edge experiments with breakthrough methods from topological data analysis to quantify emerging structure in apparently disordered nano-assemblies and classify their response to light. We aim to design a new generation of controllable nanosystems at a fraction of the cost of the current methods.

Computer games with superpower help children with amblyopia or lazy eyes

Lazy eye can lead to vision problems in young children when one eye doesn't connect well with the brain.

Research institutes, centres and groups
