Centre for Global Health and Policy (GHaP)

Research themes

Our research works towards the overall goal of ensuring access to sustainable health and wellbeing within a fair, equitable and inclusive governance.

The Centre has expertise in understanding and addressing the local and global challenges of delivering the right to health and citizenship in vulnerable socio-economic contexts. 

We explore a number of themes in our research which include: 

  • Equitable Access to Sustainable Development – much work within GHaP focuses on equity and health systems, linking to the Sustainable Development Goals and other international targets. Projects include work with the most disadvantaged groups including children, young mothers, victims of sexual exploitation, people living with HIV infection. Research has taken place in countries within Central and South America, Africa and South Asia. 
  • Human Rights, Health and Social Justice - a focus on poverty reduction and inequality, including gender inequalities, with particular strengths relating to health policy and rights of the poor.
  • Health Governance, Policy and Accountability – this area aims to inform the development of public policy to alleviate poverty and improve global health.
  • Disability and how people access services in LMICs (Low and Middle Income Countries) – a growing strand of research within GHaP is studying access to health for people with disabilities in a range of LMICs, including Cambodia, Nepal and Indonesia. This aims to use innovative data sources to examine access, especially for people in need of prostheses and orthotics, and to design policies to ensure more individuals gain the services that they need.  

More detail of our work is in our projects and publications section