Centre for Research on Self and Identity


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Anna Stefaniak, Michael Jeremy Adam Wohl, Constantine Sedikides, Anouk Smeekes & Tim Wildschut, 2021, Frontiers in Political Science, 3
Type: article
Tim Wildschut, Constantine Sedikides & A. Smeekes, 2021, Zeithistorische Forschungen|Studies in Contemporary History, 1, 1-10
Type: article
Laura Marika Vowels, Katherine Carnelley & Rachel Francois-Walcott, 2021, European Journal of Social Psychology, 51(2), 393-408
Type: article
Louise Scanlon, Pru Hobson-West, Katy Cobb, Elizabeth Mcbride & Jenny Stavisky, 2021, Anthrozoos, 34(1), 77-92
Type: article