Clinical Cardiology Research
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Thomas A. Kite, Susil Pallikadavath, Chris P. Gale, Nick Curzen & Andrew Ladwiniec,
2022, Cardiology Clinics, 40(3), 309-320
Type: article
Kang-Ling Wang, Carl Roobottom, Jason E. Smith, Steve Goodacre, Katherine Oatey, Rachel O'Brien, Robert F. Storey, Nick Curzen, Liza Keating, Attila Kardos, Dirk Felmeden, Praveen Thokala, Nicholas L. Mills, David E. Newby & Alasdair J. Gray,
2022, European heart journal. Acute cardiovascular care, 11(7), 570-579
Type: article
Saad M. Ezad, Nick Curzen, Ausami Abbas & John Rawlins,
2022, Journal of Invasive Cardiology, 34(7), E576-E577
Type: article
Helen Routledge, Andrew S.P. Sharp, Jan Kovac, Mark Westwood, Thomas R. Keeble, Raj Bathula, Harry Eteiba, Iris Q. Grunwald & Nick Curzen,
2022, Interventional Cardiology, 17
DOI: 10.15420/icr.2021.35
Type: article
Joel Dunning, Andrew Archbold, Joseph de Bono, Liz Butterfield, Nicholas Curzen, Charles Deakin, Ellie Gudde, Thomas Keeble, Alan Keys, Mike Lewis, Niall O'Keeffe, Jaydeep Sarma, Martin Stout, Paul Swindell & Simon Ray,
2022, Heart, 108(12), E3
Type: article