Clinical Cardiology Research
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Christopher Torrens, Christopher J. Kelsall, Laura A. Hopkins, Frederick W. Anthony, Nick P. Curzen & Mark A. Hanson,
2009, Hypertension, 53(4), 661-667
Type: article
Monique R. Robinson & Nicholas Curzen,
2009, Annals of Noninvasive Electrocardiology, 14(2), 201-210
Type: article
Alex Hobson & Nick Curzen,
2009, Thrombosis and Haemostasis, 101(1), 23-30
DOI: 10.1160/TH08-06-0417
Type: article
Combining carotid intima-media thickness with carotid plaque on screening for coronary heart disease
D.S. Wald, J.P. Bestwick, G. Morton, L. Drummond, N. Jenkins, P. Khodabakhsh & N. Curzen,
2009, Journal of Medical Screening, 16(3), 155-159
Type: article
J.J. Wykrzykowska, A. Warnholtz, P. De Jaeger, N. Curzen, K.G. Oldroyd, J.P. Collet, J.M. Ten Berg, T. Rademaker, D. Goedhart, J. Lissens, P.P. Kint & P.W. Serruys,
2009, Journal of Thrombosis and Thrombolysis, 28(4), 410-417
Type: article