Clinical Cardiology Research


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N.G. Bellenger, R. Swallow, D.S. Wald, I. Court, A.L. Calver, K.D. Dawkins & N. Curzen, 2007, Heart, 93(2), 249-250
Type: article
D.S. Wald, G. Morton, K. Walker, N. Iosson & N.P. Curzen, 2007, The Annals of Pharmacotherapy, 41(10), 1644-1647
Type: article
L.A. Hopkins, J.L. Rodford, F.W. Anthony, N. Curzen, M.A. Hanson & C. Torrens, 2007, Proceedings of the Physiological Society(PC386)
Type: article
N. Curzen, G. Morton, A. Hobson, I. Simpson, A. Calver, H. Gray & K. Dawkins, 2007, British Journal of Cardiology, 14(4), 234-237
Type: article
C. Gale, H. Simpson, S. Myerson, N. Curzen, T. McDonagh, I. Wilson, P. Mills, J. Hall & S. Cobbe, 2007, British Journal of Cardiology, 14(5), 286-288
Type: article