A researcher in a lab, examining a slide
Southampton Clinical Trials Unit (SCTU)

Working with us

Discover how to benefit from our expertise from the earliest stages of clinical trial planning.

The involvement of a CTU from an early stage is often crucial in the development of a successful grant application leading to a successful trial.  

Our staff have expertise in developing research questions, funding proposals, trial costing and site set up. We work with our partners to ensure smooth running, timely recruitment, high-quality data acquisition and analysis, right through to publication.

Request our help with a clinical trial

Make an enquiry

For an informal chat about how we might be able to help you:

Submit a request form

To request CTU support:

  1. Download and complete the Application for Clinical Trials Unit Support form
  2. Email the completed Application for Clinical Trials Unit Support form to [email protected]

What happens after you make a request

We review all applications for support against our strategic priorities which are reviewed regularly to ensure a balanced portfolio.

If your proposal meets these priorities, the investigators are invited to attend one of our monthly Trial Review Group meetings. This group is made up of our directors, trial managers, statisticians, and public members who review proposals taking account of our strategic priorities and capacity. If successful, the CTU will assign core-funded staff to work with you to develop the funding proposal.

We have experience of applying to a variety of high-quality and competitive funding streams, including the NIHR, CRUK, MRC, and various other charities and funding bodies.

We are also part of the NIHR South Central Research Support Service (RSS) who have expertise in the following:

  • study design and formulating research questions
  • statistics
  • funding applications
  • protocol development
  • trial management
  • data management
  • quality assurance

Data sharing

We are committed to the responsible sharing of clinical trial data and trial samples with the wider research community.

For more information on Secure Data Environments (SDEs) and accessing patient samples, please visit the Translational research page

Request data access or data sharing

Data access is administered through the SCTU Data Release Committee.

To access or share SCTU trials data:

1.  Download and complete the Request for Data Sharing form

2. Email the completed Request for Data Sharing form to [email protected]

Privacy notice

As a university we use personally-identifiable information to conduct research to improve health, care and services.