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Gordon N. Inglis, Alexander Farnsworth, Margaret E. Collinson, Matthew J. Carmichael, B. David A. Naafs, Daniel J. Lunt, Paul J. Valdes & Richard D. Pancost, 2019, Global and Planetary Change, 181, 1-8
Type: article
Martin Palmer, E. Yalçın Ersoy, Cüneyt Akal, İbrahim Uysal, Ş. Can Genç, L.A. Banks, Matthew Cooper, James Milton & K.D. Zhao, 2019, Geology, 47(11), 1079-1082
Type: article
Gordon N. Inglis, B. David A. Naafs, Yanhong Zheng, Judith Schellekens & Richard D Pancost, 2019, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 260, 244-256
Type: article
Phillip Warwick, Benjamin Russell, Ian Croudace & Zilvinas Zacharauskas, 2019, Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry, 34(9), 1810-1821
Type: article
A. Farnsworth, D.J. Lunt, C.L. O'Brien, G.L. Foster, G.N. Inglis, P. Markwick, R.D. Pancost & S.A. Robinson, 2019, Geophysical Research Letters, 46(16), 9880-9889
Type: article