Long Term Conditions
Partner organisations
We join forces with individuals and organisations to work on projects together.
We work closely with our partners to provide the evidence needed to deliver personalised care. They include:
- People with one or multiple long term conditions/multimorbidity
- Family carers
- UK charities
- Health and Social care professionals
- Health and social care professional organisations
- Commissioners, integrated care systems, integrated care boards, policy makers
- NHS England
- Health Education England
- Schools of Public Health and Primary Care
- Hospitals, research and education teams in the UK and internationally
- Charities in other countries
- NIHR Applied Research Collaboration programmes, and National Multiple Long Term Conditions Network
We have:
- developed person centred tools to assess how people live with long term conditions and needs to support personalised care and self-management for professionals, commissioners, managers and people with long term conditions (Living with Long Term Conditions (LwLTCs) Scale)
- provided accredited training (https://www.personalisedcareinstitute.org.uk) through the Wessex Activation Self-management and Personalisation programme (WASP) and Service Evaluation Tool to 33 WASP engaged NHS services for better personalised care delivery (WASP - Wessex Academy for Skills in Personalised Care | Creating a buzz around personalised care (soton.ac.uk))
We are:
- establishing close collaborations with Dorset and Hampshire and Isle of Wight Integrated Care Systems informing clinical priorities in the field of personalised care, inequalities and multiple long term conditions