Medical Education Research

Primary Care

Led by Dr Pritti Aggarwal

Primary care is an exciting area of research within medical education. We work closely with staff and students to explore novel and innovative projects. These include experiences of primary care and placement learning.

Collaborative working is crucial to providing joined up, high quality care, yet medicine continues to be a divided profession of gatekeepers (GPs) and wizards (specialists).

“Gatekeepers, wizards, and a mutual appreciation of each other's kingdoms” published in the BMJ in 2021, by Pritti Aggarwal and Harnish Patel.

The Covid-19 pandemic has widened this division. Ever increasing workloads impact goodwill across and between healthcare teams. We need to create a shared understanding of each other’s roles, and ignite opportunities for interprofessional education and communication.

Pre-hospital and community care

Third year student projects explored South Central Ambulance Services (SCAS) as potential medical student placements.  The projects investigated how students can learn about pre-hospital and community care, and how primary and secondary interact.


A systematic review looking at the effectiveness of game-based learning in medical education. Does this change how students learn and get their degrees? Does it help them to pass exams?

Understanding cow's milk allergies

A service evaluation of the understanding of cow’s milk allergies with parents and looking at available support.


Frailty and the implications on health service provisions.

GP consultant liaison project

We look at the interface of primary and secondary care. We investigate improving patient outcomes by understanding the challenges we face.