Scientists working with lab equipment

About us

Discover how our facility and expertise can support your project needs.

Our experienced staff are driving the vision to become a leading and trusted research and development partner to the UK and international nuclear sector.

Our well-established links with the nuclear industry, and close partnerships with specialist characterisation groups such as GAU-Radioanalytical Laboratories, give you direct access to world-leading academic and commercial analytical capabilities. These capabilities include radioanalytical, mass spectrometric and physical characterisation techniques.

Working with us, you’ll benefit from collaborating with a streamlined, responsive facility that’s able to draw on our expertise. As a large, research intensive Russell Group university, we're committed to contributing to a cleaner, climate-responsible net zero future.

Through our highly accessible test-bed laboratories, industry-leading facilities, and skilled analysts, we can enable you to test and validate new technologies safely, efficiently, and economically.

Our fully customisable services will enable you to:

Make cost efficiencies

Our highly efficient processes translate into lower operating costs, so you get better return on your investment.  

Get comprehensive capabilities

We offer the uncompromising combination of access to flexible, user-configurable workspaces and equipment, alongside a laboratory environment that can safely handle a variety of radioactive samples.  

Work safely without stress

We can provide comprehensive health and safety support, including risk assessment and radiation protection guidance, giving you more time to achieve what you need.

Expedite lengthy lead times

Our small, reactive team means we’re able to offer quicker response times than nuclear licensed sites.  

Use radioactive isotopes

Our ability to handle radioactive and nuclear relevant test materials means your data will be reproducible and more reliable.

Gain a competitive advantage

With us on your team, you’ll be at the forefront of emerging technologies.

Train your team

We provide training in all aspects of nuclear characterisation, remediation, and analysis. This can be delivered at our facility, at a location convenient to you, or online. 

Contact us

Get in touch. Enquire about access or how you can work with us on your project.