Scientist working with lab equipment


Discover how our laboratories, linked facilities and partners can provide the technical enhancement your research needs.

Our facilities support your development of new technologies through a flexible approach towards pairing your project needs with the best resources, workspaces, and equipment to suit your objectives.

We’ll help you to facilitate:

  • sample handling  
  • containment  
  • testing of online and in-situ technologies  
  • sensor development and validation
  • precision cutting  
  • grinding  
  • drying/igniting  
  • automated gamma analysis  
  • liquid scintillation counting  
  • portable high-resolution gamma spectrometry (CZT)  
  • surface/pore area analysis

In addition to our in-house provision, our materials handling and transportation expertise ensures generated samples can be sent on for further analysis, including to our allied organisations and collaborative partners:

GAU-Radioanalytical Laboratories (GAU)

GAU-Radioanalytical Laboratories (GAU) is a long-established and experienced commercial group providing radioanalytical services, consultancy and research support for government, industrial and academic sectors.

Accessible instrumentation includes alpha and gamma spectrometry (HPGe and LEGe), liquid scintillation counters, gas flow proportional counting and mass spectrometry (ICP-QQQ). Read more about GAU-Radioanalytical Laboratories (GAU).

Geochemistry research group

The University of Southampton’s Geochemistry Research Group is equipped with a world-class range of analytical equipment including ICP-MS, high resolution ICP-MS, multi-collector ICP-MS, TIMS AF4-mass spectrometry. These instruments can be equipped with sample introduction components to enable the handling of radioactive materials by NNUF-EXACT facility users. Read more about the Geochemistry research group.

Organic geochemistry facility

The University of Southampton's Organic geochemistry facility is part of the newly established SEAPORT laboratories. The facility includes a dedicated sample preparation lab and automated gas and liquid chromatographs linked to mass spectrometers which include compound specific isotope ratio mass spectrometry. Read more about the Organic geochemistry facility.

Bristol Interface Analysis Centre

The Bristol Interface Analysis Centre hosts a wide range of advanced materials science analysis techniques including X-ray tomography, FIBS / SEM and SEM / EDX. Read more about the Bristol Interface Analysis Centre.

South West Nuclear Hub

As an academic member of the South West Nuclear Hub, we are part of a strategic alliance in the South West of the UK, enabling us to unite with other academic, industrial and governmental experts in the nuclear sector. Engaging with this collaborative network helps ensure that our research and training provisions are relevant and impactful within the civil nuclear research landscape.  Read more about the South West Nuclear Hub.

National Physical Laboratory

The Nuclear Metrology Group at the National Physical Laboratory are project partners for NNUF-EXACT's training programme. By conducting a comprehensive review of radioanalytical training capabilities in the UK, they have helped us to develop a relevant programme of courses to meet skill needs for the future. Read more about the National Physical Laboratory.


In 2023, NNUF-EXACT and the University of Manchester’s RADioactive waste management and Environmental Remediation facility (RADER) were awarded joint funding from the NNUF access scheme towards developing NNUF capabilities in RAdionuclide DIffusion / Advection experiments (RADIA). 

This cross-facility project showcased key research and sample exchange building on complementary analysis capability and expertise between the two groups. The project set the foundations for an ongoing partnership in research associated with radionuclide migration through key UK rock types and sediments relevant to UK Geological Disposal Facility (GDF) and decommissioning programmes. Read more about RADER.