Research project

Complex nanophotonic and plasmonic networks for ultrafast optical devices


Lead researcher

Professor Otto Muskens

Professor of Physics

Research interests

  • Programmable photonic circuits using ultralow loss phase change materials.
  • Infrared metasurfaces for radiative cooling and defence applications.
  • Deep learning and AI enabled nanophotonic design.
Connect with Otto

Research outputs

Peter R. Wiecha, Leo-Jay Black, Yudong Wang, Vincent Paillard, Christian Girard, Otto Muskens & Arnaud Arbouet, 2017, Scientific Reports, 7(40906), 1-11
Type: article
Duygu Akbulut, Thomas Strudley, Jacopo Bertolotti, Erik P.A.M. Bakkers, Ad Lagendijk, Otto Muskens, Willem L. Vos & Allard P. Mosk, 2016, Physical Review A, 94(43817), 1-8
Type: article
Roman Bruck, Changxu Liu, Otto Muskens, Andrea Fratalocchi & Andrea Di Falco, 2016, Laser & Photonics Reviews, 1-7
Type: article
Otto L. Muskens, Luca Bergamini, Yudong Wang, Jeffrey M. Gaskell, Nerea Zabala, C.H. de Groot, David W. Sheel & Javier Aizpurua, 2016, Light: Science & Applications, 5(10), 1-9
Type: article
Roman Bruck, Kevin Vynck, Philippe Lalanne, Ben Mills, David J. Thomson, Goran Z. Mashanovich, Graham Reed & Otto L. Muskens, 2016, Optica, 3(4), 396-402
Type: article