view from a sailing boat at sea

CEVNI online exam

You must hold an International Certificate of Competence (ICC) with CEVNI if you want to go boating on Europe’s inland waters. You can now book and take this exam online. 

About the course

Code Européen des Voies de Navigation Intérieure (CEVNI) is the code that governs navigation on many of Europe’s inland waterways. It details the signs, rules and procedures for navigating these waterways. 

If you plan to go boating on these waterways, you must hold an International Certificate of Competence (ICC), and pass the CEVNI test. We offer this exam via the RYA’s online training platform. 


Our courses are available to everyone, although Southampton Sport members can book at a discounted rate.

Membership type


Membership type


Student, staff and public member




Membership type


Pay as you go (students) 




Membership type


Pay as you go (staff and public)




Booking a course

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