Three small sailing boats, each with a crew of three, on open water beneath blue skies. An area of trees is visible in the background.

RYA Professional Practices & Responsibilities online course

As a skipper or crew member, you have a duty of care to those around you when on the water. This course will equip you with the knowledge to operate safely, confidently and legally, in order to apply for commercial endorsement from the RYA. 

About the course

You must pass this course if you’re applying for, or renewing, your RYA Certificate of Competence. This online course will explain your responsibilities as a skipper or crew member, ensuring that you’re always operating within the limits of the vessel and crew. 

The course covers 4 modules: 

  • Commercial environment - how you fit into the professional maritime world 
  • People – the importance of correct manning, keeping your skills up to date and the safe management of commercial vessels    
  • Vessel – the compulsory carriage and maintenance of safety equipment and how to create and implement risk control and operating procedures        
  • Purpose – making sure your vessel is suitable and legal for the work you are carrying out, your obligations in protecting the environment, appropriate planning and situational awareness 

After completing these modules, you must pass a final online assessment before you can apply for commercial endorsement. 

We offer this course remotely via the RYA’s online training platform. Most people take between 6 to 8 hours to work through the 4 modules. The final assessment is split into 2 sections, and takes most people about 2½ hours to complete. You’ll have access to our instructors who will be available to answer your questions or queries while you study. 


Our courses are available to everyone, although Southampton Sport members can book at a discounted rate.

Membership type


Membership type


Student, staff and public member




Membership type


Pay as you go (students) 




Membership type


Pay as you go (staff and public)




Booking a course

Book your course online

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