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Professor Nicholas Harris

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Professor Nicholas Harvey


Research interests

  • Lifecourse epidemiology of osteoporosis and fragility fractures
  • Understanding mechanism and development of novel interventions across lifecourse to prevent fragility fractures
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Emeritus Professor Nicholas Wikeley

Research interests

  • Child support law and policy
  • Welfare State
  • Child Trust Funds
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Professor Nick Clarke

Professor of Political Geography

Research interests

  • I research governance and citizenship, with a focus on three main areas:
  • 1) Innovative responses to globalisation (2004-present). This research has been funded by grants from the ESRC, the Nuffield Foundation, and the Local Government Alliance for International Development. The focus has been on global citizenship, ethical consumption, and interurban partnerships. See especially my co-authored book, Globalising Responsibility (2011, Wiley-Blackwell).
  • 2) The challenges presented to representative democracy by the 2007-2008 financial crisis, the rise of populism, Brexit, and the COVID-19 pandemic (2013-present). This research has been funded by grants from the ESRC and the British Academy. The focus has been on the relations between national and local government, and between politicians and citizens. See especially my co-authored book, The Good Politician (2018, Cambridge University Press).

Accepting applications from PhD students

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Professor Nick Cross MA, PhD, FRCPath

Prof of Hum Genetics/Dir of Wrgl
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Professor Nick Curzen BM(Hons) PhD FRCP

Professor of Interventional Cardiology
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Professor Nick Evans

Professor of Bioengineering

Accepting applications from PhD students

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Professor Nick Francis

Head of School

Research interests

  • Infections in primary care
  • Antimicrobial stewardship
  • Respiratory infections
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Professor Nick Maguire

Professorial Fellow-Enterprise
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Professor Nicky Marsh


Research interests

  • Intersections between culture and economics
  • Cultural representations of risk, money, finance, markets
  • Gender, feminism and the economy 
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