Research group

IT Innovation

Digital payment

We develop new information technologies and their use in industry and commerce. We focus on ways in which this technology can inform areas like secure systems, risk management, cyber security and social media analysis.


Our group explores information technologies, and their use in industry and commerce. We work in industry sectors including:

  • ecology
  • health
  • media
  • e-government
  • oil and gas exploration
  • marine systems
  • education
  • transport

We collaborate with other organisations on funded research projects, through directly-funded contract research and development and through specialist consultancy.

This covers work in areas like:

  • secure systems
  • risk management
  • cyber security
  • crisis management
  • social media analysis
  • social behaviour in complex human-machine networks

Research highlights

Empowering young people to make positive health choices during the COVID-19 pandemic

Helping young people to make positive lifestyle choices has never been as important as it is now. LifeLab is working to ensure young people have a voice, and that they understand the choices they can make to reduce the impact COVID-19 on their lives.

People, projects and publications


Dr Chris Duckworth PhD, MSci

Senior Enterprise Fellow

Research interests

  • Artificial Intelligence for Health and Wellbeing
  • Explainable Machine Learning
  • Human Centred Interactive Systems
Connect with Chris

Dr Dan Burns

Senior Enterprise Fellow
Connect with Dan

Mr Ken Meacham

Senior Enterprise Fellow
Connect with Ken

Dr Laura Carmichael LLB (Hons), MSc (Dist.), PhD

Research Fellow

Research interests

  • Data Governance
  • Data Sharing Models
  • Data Protection Law
Connect with Laura

Professor Michael Boniface CEng, FIET

Professorial Fellow in Information Techn

Research interests

  • Artifical intelligence for health systems
  • Human centred interactive systems
  • Federated systems management 
Connect with Michael

Professor Mike Surridge

Professorial Fellow Information Tech

Research interests

  • Computer Networks Security
  • Automated cyber security risk assessment and management
Connect with Mike

Dr Nic Fair PhD

Senior Enterprise Fellow
Connect with Nic

Dr Panos Melas

Enterprise Fellow
Connect with Panos

Dr Paul Smart

Senior Research Fellow
Connect with Paul

Dr Samuel Senior

Research Engineer
Connect with Samuel
My current project portfolio advances data-driven healthcare, 5G media service delivery and security in industry 4.0.
Professorial Fellow in Information Techn