Marine Biology and Ecology
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Contemporary climate change hinders hybrid performance of ecologically dominant marine invertebrates
2020, Journal of Evolutionary Biology
DOI: 10.1111/jeb.13609
Type: article
L. Peruzza, S. Thamizhvanan, S. Vimal, K. Vinaya Kumar, M.s. Shekhar, V.j. Smith, C. Hauton, K.k. Vijayan & A.s. Sahul Hameed,
2020, Developmental & Comparative Immunology, 104
Type: article
Ana Almodóvar, Graciela G Nicola, Daniel Ayllón, Clive N Trueman, Ian Davidson, Richard Kennedy, Benigno Elvira & Caroline Durif,
2020, ICES Journal of Marine Science, 77(2), 593-603
Type: article