Clinical Cardiology Research


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N.G. Bellenger, T. Wells, R. Hitchcock, M. Watkins, C. Duffet, D. Jewell, D.L. Palliser, L. Shapland, R. Curtis, S. Scrase, R. Burns & N. Curzen, 2006, Postgraduate Medical Journal, 82(968), 411-413
Type: article
Nick Bellenger, Charles Peebles & Nick Curzen, 2006, EuroIntervention, 1(4), 445-453
Type: article
N.G. Bellenger, S. Harden, C. Peebles & N.P. Curzen, 2006, Heart, 92(9), 1206
Type: article
Alex Hobson, Nick Curzen & Nick Chalmers, 2006, The British Journal of Cardiology (Acute and Interventional Cardiology), 13(2), AIC14-AIC18
Type: article