Research project

Abrupt Ocean Acidification Events


Lead researchers

Professor Gavin Foster

Professor of Isotope Geochemistry
Connect with Gavin

Research outputs

T. Aze, P.N. Pearson, A.J. Dickson, M.P.S. Badger, P.R. Bown, R.D. Pancost, S.J. Gibbs, B.T. Huber, M.J. Leng, A.L. Coe, A.S. Cohen & G.L. Foster, 2014, Geology, 42(9), 739-742
Type: article
Sarah A. O'Dea, Samantha Gibbs, Paul R. Brown, Jeremy R. Young, Alex J Poulton, Cherry Newsam & Paul Wilson, 2014, Nature Communications, 5
Type: article
2012, Biogeosciences, 9(11), 4679-4688
Type: article
B. Honisch, A. Ridgwell, D.N. Schmidt, E. Thomas, S.J. Gibbs, A. Sluijs, R. Zeebe, L. Kump, R.C. Martindale, S.E. Greene, W. Kiessling, J. Ries, J.C. Zachos, D.L. Royer, S. Barker, T.M. Marchitto, R. Moyer, C. Pelejero, P. Ziveri, G.L. Foster & B. Williams, 2012, Science, 335(6072), 1058-1063
Type: article