Research project

CRESCENDO - Prof. J. Scanlan - EU FP7


Lead researcher

Professor James Scanlan

Professor of Design
Connect with James
Other researchers

Professor Andy Keane DSc, FREng

Professor of Computational Engineering
Connect with Andy

Collaborating research institutes, centres and groups

Research outputs

O. Isaksson, M. Kossmann, A. Bertoni, H. Eres, A. Monceaux, Steve Wiseall & X. Zhang, 2013
Type: conference
Xinwei Zhang, Guillaume Auriol, Hakki Eres & Claude Baron, 2013, International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing, 26(4), 327-345
Type: article
Xinwei Zhang, Guillaume Auriol, Hakki Eres, Claude Baron & Mario Kossmann, 2012
Type: conference
D.J.J. Toal & A.J. Keane, 2011, Engineering Optimization, 44(6), 741-765
Type: article