Research project

Descent into the Icehouse


Lead researchers

Professor Gavin Foster

Professor of Isotope Geochemistry
Connect with Gavin
Other researchers

Professor Toby Tyrrell

Professor of Earth System Science
Connect with Toby

Professor J. Andy Milton

Prof Fellow in Analytical Geochemistry
Connect with J. Andy

Professor Robert Marsh

Professor of Oceanography and Climate
Connect with Robert

Collaborating research institutes, centres and groups

Research outputs

Michael J. Henehan, Gavin L. Foster, Helen C. Bostock, Rosanna Greenop, Brittney J. Marshall & Paul A. Wilson, 2016, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 454, 282-292
Type: article
Kirsty M. Edgar, Eleni Anagnostou, Paul N. Pearson & Gavin L. Foster, 2015, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 166, 180-209
Type: article
Gordon N. Inglis, Alexander Farnsworth, Daniel Lunt, Gavin L. Foster, Christopher J. Hollis, Mark Pagani, Phillip E. Jardine, Paul N. Pearson, Paul Markwick, Amanda M. J. Galsworthy, Lauren Raynham, Kyle. W. R. Taylor & Richard D. Pancost, 2015, Paleoceanography, 30(7), 1000-1020
Type: article
Eelco J. Rohling, Ivan D. Haigh, Gavin L. Foster, Andrew P. Roberts & Katharine M. Grant, 2013, Scientific Reports, 3(3461), 1-7
Type: article
D.J. Lunt, H. Elderfield, R. Pancost, A. Ridgwell, G.L. Foster, A. Haywood, J. Kiehl, N. Sagoo, C. Shields, E.J. Stone & P. Valdes, 2013, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 371(2001), 1-12
Type: article