Research project

Geothermal systems related to rapid uplift on the Alpine Fault, New Zealand


Lead researchers

Professor Damon Teagle

Director of SMMI

Research interests

  • • Formation and evolution of the ocean crust
  • • Fluid-rock interactions and Ore mineralisation
  • • Geochemical analysis
Connect with Damon

Research outputs

S.C. Cox, C.D. Menzies, R. Sutherland, P.H. Denys, C. Chamberlain & D.A.H. Teagle, 2014, Geofluids, 15(1-2), 216-239
Type: article
Catriona D. Menzies, Damon A.H. Teagle, Dave Craw, Simon C. Cox, Adrian J. Boyce, Craig D. Barrie & Stephen Roberts, 2014, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 399, 1-13
Type: article