Research project

Gravitational wave astronomy


Lead researchers

Professor Nils Andersson

Professor of Applied Maths

Research interests

  • General relativistic astrosphysics
  • Black holes
  • Neutron stars
Connect with Nils
Other researchers

Professor Ian Jones

Professor of Mathematical Physics

Research interests

  • Gravitational wave astronomy
  • Neutron stars
  • Radio pulsars
Connect with Ian

Professor Carsten Gundlach

Professor of Mathematical Physics

Research interests

  • Classical general relativity
  • Numerical relativity
  • Critical phenomena in gravitational collapse
Connect with Carsten

Professor Leor Barack

Professor of Mathematical Physics

Research interests

  • Classical General Relativity
  • Gravitational waves
  • Black Holes
Connect with Leor

Professor Ian Hawke


Research interests

  • Numerical relativity
  • Neutron Stars
  • Gravitational waves
Connect with Ian

Professor Adam Pound

Professorial Fellow-Research

Research interests

  • General Relativity
  • Sources of gravitational waves
  • Black holes
Connect with Adam

Dr Andreas Schmitt

Associate Professor

Research interests

  • Quantum chromodynamics
  • Superconductivity and superfluidity of dense nuclear and quark matter
Connect with Andreas

Collaborating research institutes, centres and groups

Research outputs

Nils Andersson, 2021, Frontiers in Astronomy and Space Sciences, 8, 51
Type: article
Cheung-Hei Yeung, Lap-Ming Min, Nils Andersson & Greg Comer, 2021, Universe, 7, 111
Type: article
Nils Andersson & Pantelis Pnigouras, 2021, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 503(1), 533 - 539
Type: article
Geraint W. Evans & Andreas Schmitt, 2021, Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics, 24
Type: article