Research project

Integrated Photonics


Lead researchers
Other researchers

Dr Jacob Mackenzie

Associate Professor

Research interests

  • Waveguide amplifiers and lasers
  • Cryogenically cooled lasers for peak and average power scaling
  • Ultra-fast high repetition rate compact lasers
Connect with Jacob

Professor Peter G.R. Smith

Professor in Electronics & Comp Science
Connect with Peter G.R.

Collaborating research institutes, centres and groups

Research outputs

C.L. Sones, I.N. Katis, P.J.W. He, B. Mills, M.F. Namiq, P. Shardlow, M. Ibsen & R.W. Eason, 2014, Lab on a Chip, 14(23), 4567-4574
Type: article
Alberto Sposito, Gavin B.G. Stenning, Simon A. Gregory, P.A.J. de Groot & Robert W. Eason, 2014, Thin Solid Films, 568, 31-37
Type: article
Benjamin J. Metcalf, Justin B. Spring, Peter C. Humphreys, Nicholas Thomas-Peter, Marco Barbieri, W.Steven Kolthammer, Xian-Min Jin, Nathan K. Langford, Dmytro Kundys, James C. Gates, Brian J. Smith, Peter G.R. Smith & Ian A. Walmsley, 2014, Nature Photonics, 8, 770-774
Type: article
Stephen J. Beecher, Tina L. Parsonage, Jacob I. Mackenzie, Katherine A. Sloyan, James A. Grant-Jacob & Robert W. Eason, 2014, Optics Express, 22(18), 22056-22061
Type: article
Amol Choudhary, Shonali Dhingra, Brian D'Urso, Tina Parsonage, Katherine A. Sloyan, Robert W. Eason & David P. Shepherd, 2014, Optics Letters, 39(15), 4325-4328
Type: article