Research project

Palmer - ESRC - ES/L002663/1 Health risks and benefits of extended working life (the HEAF study)


Other researchers

Emeritus Professor Catharine Gale

Research interests

  • Cognitive ability and negative emotions in relation to morbidity and mortality
Connect with Catharine

Professor Maria Evandrou FAcSS


Research interests

  • ESRC: Centre for Population Change (CPC): I am Co-Director of ESRC Centre for Population Change. My collaborative work focuses on a) Increasing longevity and the changing life course, and b) Understanding intergenerational relations & exchange. For more information, please visit the CPC website.
  • ESRC CPC - Connecting Generations: I am also Co-Director of the ESRC CPC-Connecting Generations research programme. The research will investigate areas such as changing intergenerational relationships; intergenerational flows of support in later life; and work-life balance, employment and caring responsibilities in mid-life. More information on the Connecting Generations research programme here.
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Research outputs

Stefania D'angelo, David Coggon, Clare Harris, Catherine Linaker, Avan Aihie Sayer, Catharine Gale, Maria Evandrou, Tjeerd van Staa, Cyrus Cooper, Karen Walker-Bone & Keith Palmer, 2016, Occupational & Environmental Medicine, 73, 512-519
Type: article
K.T. Palmer, K.E. Walker-Bone, E.C. Harris, C. Marshall-Cox, S. D'Angelo, A.A. Sayer, C.R. Gale, M. Evandrou, T. van Staa, C. Cooper & D. Coggon, 2015, BMC Public Health, 15(1071), 1-13
Type: article