Research project

Administrative Data Research Centre for England

Project overview

The Administrative Data Research Centre for England (ADRC-E) was led by the University of Southampton, in partnership with colleagues from the Bloomsbury group of the University of London and the Office for National Statistics. It was funded by the Economic and Social Research Council as part of the Administrative Data Research Network (ADRN). The centre had a distinctive interdisciplinary research programme, focused on methods development and policy-relevant research using linked administrative data from government departments. The centre ran an extensive training programme for researchers and hosted secure access facilities in Southampton, London and Titchfield.


Lead researchers

Professor Peter Smith

Professor in Social Statistics
Connect with Peter
Other researchers

Professor Gabriele Durrant PhD

Prof of Social Stats & Survey Method

Research interests

  • survey data collection
  • survey methodology
  • statistical modelling
Connect with Gabriele

Professor Graham Moon PhD, FAcSS, HonMFPH

Research interests

  • Place effects on health-related behaviour, particularly smoking, diet and alcohol consumption
  • Applications of multilevel modelling in human geography; small area estimation methods
  • Post-asylum geographies and mental health care delivery
Connect with Graham

Professor Li-Chun Zhang

Professor in Social Statistics

Research interests

  • Graph sampling
  • Analysis of integrated data
  • Statistical uses of administrative sources
Connect with Li-Chun

Collaborating research institutes, centres and groups

Research outputs

Helen Blackshaw, Jane Vennik, Carl Philpott, Mike Thomas, Caroline Eyles, James Carpenter, Caroline S. Clarke, Stephen Morris, Anne G.M. Schilder, Valerie Lund, Paul Little, Stephen Durham, Spiros Denaxas, Elizabeth Williamson, David Beard, Jonathan Cook, Steffi Le Conte, K Airey, J Boardman & Claire Hopkins, 2019, Trials, 20
Type: article
Brian Foley, Ian Shuttleworth & David Martin, 2018, Journal of Official Statistics, 34(1), 55-81
Type: article
Jamie C. Moore, Gabriele D. Durrant & Peter Smith, 2018, Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series A (Statistics in Society), 181(1), 229-248
Type: article