Research project

Rolling PPARC grant


Lead researchers

Professor Nils Andersson

Professor of Applied Maths

Research interests

  • General relativistic astrosphysics
  • Black holes
  • Neutron stars
Connect with Nils
Other researchers

Professor Carsten Gundlach

Professor of Mathematical Physics

Research interests

  • Classical general relativity
  • Numerical relativity
  • Critical phenomena in gravitational collapse
Connect with Carsten

Professor Ian Jones

Professor of Mathematical Physics

Research interests

  • Gravitational wave astronomy
  • Neutron stars
  • Radio pulsars
Connect with Ian

Professor Leor Barack

Professor of Mathematical Physics

Research interests

  • Classical General Relativity
  • Gravitational waves
  • Black Holes
Connect with Leor

Professor Ian Hawke


Research interests

  • Numerical relativity
  • Neutron Stars
  • Gravitational waves
Connect with Ian

Collaborating research institutes, centres and groups

Research outputs

Michael Gabler, Ulrich Sperhake & Nils Andersson, 2009, Physical Review D, 80(6), 64012
Type: article
Norichika Sago, Leor Barack & Steven Detweiler, 2008, Physical Review D, 78(12), 124024-[9pp]
Type: article
B. Haskell, L. Samuelsson, K. Glampedakis & N. Andersson, 2008, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 385(1), 531-542
Type: article
T. Sidery, N. Andersson & G.L. Comer, 2008, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 385(1), 335-348
Type: article
K. Glampedakis, N. Andersson & D.I. Jones, 2008, Physical Review Letters, 100, 081101-[4pp]
Type: article