Research project

Supermassive black hole growth - a small-scale solution to a large-scale problem


Lead researchers

Professor Matthew Middleton

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Research outputs

C. Pinto, R. Soria, D.J. Walton, A. D’A`ı, Fabio Pintore, W.N. Alston, F. Fuerst, Matthew Middleton, T.P. Roberts, M. Del Santo, D. Barret, E. Ambrosi, A. Robba, H. Earnshaw & A.C. Fabian, 2021, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 505(4), 5058-5074
Type: article
Grzegorz Wiktorowicz, Matthew Middleton, Norman Khan, Adam Ingram, Poshak Gandhi & Hugh Dickinson, 2021, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 507(1), 374–384
Type: review
Matthew Middleton, Brianna S. Mills & Shane W. Davis, 2021, Astrophysical Journal, 914(1)
Type: article
Matthew Middleton & Dominic Ian Ashton, 2021, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 501(4), 5478–5499
Type: article
Aru Beri, Sachindra Naik, K. P. Singh, Gaurava K. Jaisawal, Sudip Bhattacharyya, Philip Charles, Wynn C. G. Ho, Chandreyee Maitra, Depankar Bhattacharya, Gulab C. Dewangan, Matthew Middleton, Diego Altamirano, Poshak Gandhi & Harsha Raichur, 2021, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 500(1), 565-575
Type: article