Cyber Physical Systems


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Yue Lu, Shengyu Duan, Basel Halak & Tom J. Kazmierski, 2019, Microelectronics Reliability, 93, 16-21
Type: article
Yunpeng Cai, Anand Savanth, Pranay Prabhat, James Myers, Alexander Weddell & Tomasz Kazmierski, 2019, IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits, 54(2), 550-559
Type: article
Hany Fathy Atlam, Robert Walters, Gary Wills & Joshua Daniel, 2019, Mobile Networks and Applications, 1-13
Type: article
Yue Lu, Shengyu Duan, Basel Halak & Tom Kazmierski, 2019, Electronics (Switzerland), 8(1), 1-12
Type: article