Cyber Physical Systems


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Matthew C. Turner & Murray Kerr, 2018, European Journal of Control, 41, 44-52
Type: article
Jiang Su, Nicholas J. Fraser, Giulio Gambardella, Michaela Blott, Gianluca Durelli, David B. Thomas, Philip H.W. Leong & Peter Y.K. Cheung, 2018
Type: conference
Jiang Su, Julian Faraone, Junyi Liu, Yiren Zhao, David B. Thomas, Philip H.W. Leong & Peter Y.K. Cheung, 2018
Type: conference
Farshad Firouzi, Amir Rahmani, K. Mankodiya, M. Badaroglu, G. Merrett, P. Wong & B. Farahani, 2018, Future Generation Computer Systems, 78(Part 2), 583-586
Type: letterEditorial